I like to see the packaging and the graphic design of very common things I use, drink, eat or buy very often. I have been taken pictures of cheap milk cartons I find in supermarkets in the Netherlands. I am sure they can be found anywhere in Europe.

milk bokes / graphic design features

bottom of a milk box / graphic design features

bottom of apple juice boxes / graphic design features

bottom of an apple juice carton / graphic design features

bottom of an apple juice carton / graphic design features

top of an apple juice carton / graphic design features

bottom of an apple juice carton / graphic design features

bottom of a milk carton / graphic design features

bottom of a milk carton / graphic design features

bottom of a milk carton / graphic design features

bottom of a milk carton / graphic design features

apple juice cartons / graphic design features

apple juice cartons / graphic design features

supermarket shelf in the netherlands / design features

supermarket shelf in the netherlands / design features

supermarket shelf in the netherlands / design features
when I first got to the Netherlands I had the idea that the well known dutch milk was very good. however, i got dissapointed when i tried it. I find the one of the supermarkets (which is the one that I can afford) completly tasteless. the brands I usually buy have milk that comes from diferent parts of europe. that is why i started playing with delft blue painting slyle as well as icons from different parts of europe. many countries of europe have eagles beacuase it was a bizantine symbol. however, it has nothing to do with dutch national identity.

milk carton - inside out. eagle printing / identities confusion

milk carton. eagle printing / identities confusion

eagle painted Delft blue style on a milk carton / identities confusion

milk carton with delft blue style eagle / identities confusion

milk carton with delft blue style eagle / identities confusion

milk carton with delft blue style eagle / identities confusion
I think that tetrapak is a very interesting material to work with. it has layers of paper, plastic and aluminium. besides, it is conductive. it can offer many possibilities for graphic and body-responsive projects. that's why I've been looking for different ways to use it.

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research

tetrapak / material research
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